Call To Action
Next opening in 2024! Stay tuned!
Say no more! I AM IN!
Say no more! I AM IN!

Are you ready to let go of what’s not serving you, step into your power and live a magical life? 

You are meant to be magic.

Right now, we are all experiencing a major awakening and we’re being called to clear what's not serving us and to step into alignment with our path, our purpose and our power.


Spiritual Seeker, Lightworker, Intuitive & Sensitive Being

I need to tell you that,
There is no cookie cutter healing process that works for everyone. 
We each have our own unique stories and INNER MAGIC. 


You Will Experience:

The Awaken your Magic method was created for you to put systems in place within a few months (sometimes weeks!), which will eventually lead you to pure inner joy, fulfillment, freedom, being in love with yourself and life, and seeing the beauty and magic in everything. This is how you MANIFEST all that you desire. 

My clients often tell me – “just tell me what to do and I’ll do it!” Consider what you’ll do with me to be a high-octane crash course on everything you need to know to transcend your inner blocks and learn to heal yourself. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: clear your limiting beliefs, activate your inner light and power, and awaken your inner magic!

Awaken to your Soul's Truth

step into divine alignment, flow, your Soul's essence and feel empowered and excited about your soul’s journey!

Raise Your Vibration

to align with the life you desire, live with more ease &grace, and become magnetic to all the right people, opportunities, abundance & prosperity.

Align with your Deepest Desires

step into your highest version and co-create the life you crave.

Activate your Intuitive Gifts

and psychic abilities, open up to receive, interpret and trust messages from Spirit.

Fall Madly in Love With All Parts of You

and become your own beloved, and improve your relationships as a result.

Activate Your Inner Joy

feel more fulfillment, invite more passion in your life, and see the beauty and magic in everything.

Master Emotional Overwhelm

internal turmoil, anxiety and pain, and alchemize fears that are holding you back from taking the next step towards your higher path

Forgive Yourself and Those Who Have Hurt You

let go of past pain and embrace more peace, compassion and love.

End Drama, Negative Cycles & Patterns

that are not serving you, create healthy boundaries beginning with you, and learn the power of “No”.

Let Go and Release Trauma

from your cells, heal inner child wounds, clear ancestral and past life karma to heal past and future generations, and transcend your old stories

Take your Power Back

and stop being a victim of your circumstances, and step into your confident authentic self and feel empowered using your voice and speaking your truth.

If you have been feeling like you are...

going through the motions and patterns, on auto-pilot, whether you intend to be or not

attracting the same undesirable situations no matter how hard you try to make the right moves and decisions

running on empty, feeling drained physically, emotionally and energetically

feeling stuck in certain patterns and wanting a sense of greater purpose but are lacking the proper tools to get out of your own way

questioning aspects of your life in a big away and going through some form of spiritual awakening

...keep reading!

You may be feeling this shift right now…

the urge to finally do the work to transcend the fear, doubt, shame, trauma, excuses and negative mindsets that are holding you back,
 the desire to reconnect with and remember your true self, step into alignment with Source, and reactivate your intuition

These are the keys to living a life of magic and bliss.

All you have to do to live the magical life of your dreams is to TAKE THE RIGHT ACTIONS.

But, sometimes it’s easier said than done right? 

Our subconscious conditioned patterns often take over and run the show and we forget that we have the power of choice to make a shift.

It's true that you don't often get to choose your circumstance, but you CAN choose not to be a victim, and shift how you feel about it and react to it.

You have your own unique inner-magic and soul-level power, but until you do the deep healing and digging work and learn to love and forgive yourself wholly, subconscious stories and beliefs will continue to run the show.

I wonder what you would do if you knew how to master the energy and power within you…

You can co-create the life of your dreams and I’m going to help you discover how.

Are you ready to let go of what’s not serving you, step into your power and live a magical life?

By taking care of YOU first, you'll reclaim your power while simultaneously co-creating the life of your dreams. 

When you learn to shift from FEAR into LOVE, you’ll be astonished by how easily everything begins to flow. 

I’m going to help you discover your magic and tap into your inner bliss so you can get into alignment and manifest your best life and divine path. More importantly, I'm going to teach and empower you to do your own healing! That's right...we all have the ability to heal ourselves with the right knowledge and tools!

We’ll work together to pull out and reprogram your negative beliefs, habits and the subconscious blocks that are creating resistance to creating the magical life you’ve always wanted!

I help you heal so you can walk your path in alignment, with ease, love and magic.

I've worked with hundreds of men and women over the last five years and have created a four-step method that rapidly gets people out of their muck and into alignment with Soul. 

This will help you CLEAR what's not serving you, 
be more PLAY-full with life, 
LOVE all parts of yourself, 
and finally step into your power and bring your MAGIC to life.

Through our work together, I'll intuitively guide you through the next phase of spiritual growth and transformation.

Whether you're going through a spiritual awakening or you're trying to bring your purpose to life, I am here to guide you to the next level of growth.

I am in!!

All you have to do to live the magical life of your dreams is to TAKE THE RIGHT ACTIONS.

But, sometimes it’s easier said than done right? 

Our subconscious conditioned patterns often take over and run the show and we forget that we have the power of choice to make a shift.

It's true that you don't often get to choose your circumstance, but you CAN choose not to be a victim, and shift how you feel about it and react to it.

You have your own unique inner-magic and soul-level power, but until you do the deep healing and digging work and learn to love and forgive yourself wholly, subconscious stories and beliefs will continue to run the show.

I wonder what you would do if you knew how to master the energy and power within you…

You can co-create the life of your dreams and I’m going to help you discover how.

Are you ready to let go of what’s not serving you, step into your power and live a magical life?

By taking care of YOU first, you'll reclaim your power while simultaneously co-creating the life of your dreams. 

When you learn to shift from FEAR into LOVE, you’ll be astonished by how easily everything begins to flow. 

I’m going to help you discover your magic and tap into your inner bliss so you can get into alignment and manifest your best life and divine path. More importantly, I'm going to teach and empower you to do your own healing! That's right...we all have the ability to heal ourselves with the right knowledge and tools!

We’ll work together to pull out and reprogram your negative beliefs, habits and the subconscious blocks that are creating resistance to creating the magical life you’ve always wanted!

I help you heal so you can walk your path in alignment, with ease, love and magic.

I've worked with hundreds of men and women over the last five years and have created a four-step method that rapidly gets people out of their muck and into alignment with Soul. 

This will help you CLEAR what's not serving you, 
be more PLAY-full with life, 
LOVE all parts of yourself, 
and finally step into your power and bring your MAGIC to life.

Through our work together, I'll intuitively guide you through the next phase of spiritual growth and transformation.

Whether you're going through a spiritual awakening or you're trying to bring your purpose to life, I am here to guide you to the next level of growth.

I am in!

No more doubting yourself. 

No more victimhood. 

No complicated spiritual practices. 

Just you and me getting raw and deep into what your soul came here to experience, create and manifest.

Join us in this powerful transformational journey of healing, releasing, alignment and pleasure!

Space is limited, reserve your spot today!

What You Receive...

Bi-monthly Group Healing Activation with Carine

Powerful activation calls that will include rituals, practices, group and hot seat healings that may include inner child work, past life and ancestral clearings, soul path activations, psychic readings and anything else that's in alignment with your path.

(Value of $5,000)

Bi-monthly Group Transformational Coaching with your Mindset Coach

These will be value and power-packed sessions where you will get clarity on your values, life purpose, vision, and shifting your mindset and energy to align to your unique self and sacred path.

(Value of $888)

Weekly Somatic Embodiment Movement Journeys

Through movement, breathwork and stillness, you will tap into your wisdom, connect more deeply with yourself and the world around you, feel safe in your body, regulate your nervous system, arousal, release trauma, recognize and change unconscious physical habits and patterns, and so much more.

(Value: $500)

Access to an Online Course Portal with 20+ Hours of Lessons, Transmissions & Guided Practices

Pre-recorded teachings, meditations, guided practices, reflection exercises, PDF manuals & playbooks that you can go through at your own pace that you will have access to for a lifetime!

(Value: $3,000)

Accountability Buddy 

Team up with other students in the program to motivate each other, and help keep you on track with your goals and intentions.

(Value: Priceless!)

40-day Kundalini Yoga Challenge

Take part in a Kundalini kriya challenge to deeply and energetically shift and heal subconscious beliefs and blockages along with an exclusive journal to keep track of your practice.

LIFETIME Access to all the Resources

You'll have unlimited lifetime access to all course resources and the membership portal provided during the 90 days, including bonus material and replays.

Exclusive Access to Private Community

Safe & sacred space to connect with all the souls part of the program, with feedback, support, and encouragement.
(Value: Priceless!)

Bonuses & Surprises

1) First 5 sign ups who pay in full get a 1-on-1 healing session with Carine ($444 value)

2) 3 Months Membership in an Online Community of Powerful Empaths & Lightworkers from all over the World ($132 value)

3) Surprise Facebook Lives, guest teachers, intuitive readings, & bonus tools to support you even more! (Priceless!)

Total Value: $10,000!!


Are you feeling stuck and struggling with emotional heaviness?

I feel you. Three short years ago, that was me.

Growing up, I always felt like I didn’t belong and that I was meant for more than the mundane. I dreamt of having magical powers so I could help people heal. And let's be honest, I also wanted to be a mermaid.

As I grew older, I found myself working in a field that wasn’t aligned with who I was and married to a man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. 

When I experienced my first spiritual awakening, I started questioning every area of my life, jumping from one career to the next searching for meaning and purpose.

My world turned upside down. 

I thought I was happy and living the life I was meant to, but deep down I knew I was meant for much more. I eventually left my career, the city I grew up in, and my marriage and took a huge leap of faith into the unknown. At times I trusted that I was being guided, and at other times drowned in fear thinking I made a huge mistake. 

Throughout my journey, I learned to go within and developed healing tools for myself so I could move through the dark times. 

I realized that I had not “lost” anything during that awakening, but was continuously shedding all that was not aligned with me so I could re-emerge as who I was meant to be. 

I also learned that my purpose for being on Earth was to help others who are struggling with awakening to create a meaningful and magical life they truly love. 

Today, I’m living a fully magical life of freedom and joy, and I help hundreds of people heal so they can learn to experience that same joy and magic.

I say this to you because I know what it feels like to be lost and deeply entrenched in it. I was disconnected from my Self and the divine for so long, unconsciously forcing my way through life and not knowing there was an easier way.

Healing work can be daunting and hard, but I believe the suffering is optional. What lights me up is seeing people transform before my eyes and hear them tell me I’ve changed their lives for the better! I’ve had many clients go from suicidal to thriving, from broken marriages to healthy relationships, from depression to being filled with joy.

One of my core gifts is to intuitively tap into what you are struggling with, and to help you reprogram your subconscious patterns so you can finally alchemize your pain into magic.

Honestly, you can’t afford NOT to make your healing and aligning with YOU a priority.

Hi, I'm Carine!

I help highly sensitive people, spiritual seekers and lightworkers break free of blocks, step into their power & light, align to their souls and awaken to the MAGIC of life. My signature "Awaken Your Magic" method helps clients and students transform, find joy and be more abundant through powerful healing techniques like Energy Work, Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork, Tantra, Self-Love, Play, Meditation, and more. I teach souls how to take power over their healing and connect to the PLAYfulness, Unconditional LOVE and MAGIC within!

I created the Awaken your Magic Coaching & Healing Journey because along my own healing path, I discovered that very few people are living the magical life they’re meant to live, one that’s in flow and aligned with the Universe and who we truly are at the soul level

And as I did this powerful work on myself, I kept getting complimented on my energy and asked... "What are you doing to be this way? What’s your secret? What did you read/eat/drink? What course did you take? Where did you learn it from?" And I realized that it was less about me just sharing a book, a lifestyle, a training or a teaching and more about HOW I INTUITIVELY APPLIED the downloads and learnings to my life that made all the difference. And how I was going to teach others to do the same. 

So I decided to create the Awaken Your Magic Coaching & Healing Journey along with a supportive community where we could all learn, apply and expand together....because this work is way more fun and easy when you have a soul tribe to do it with!

Hi, I'm Carine!

I help highly sensitive people, spiritual seekers and lightworkers break free of their inner blocks, activate their power, align to their souls and awaken to the MAGIC of life. My signature "Awaken Your Magic" method helps clients and students transform, find joy and be more abundant through powerful healing techniques like Energy Work, Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork, Tantra, Self-Love, Play, Meditation, and more. I teach souls how to take power over their healing and connect to the PLAYfulness, Unconditional LOVE and MAGIC within!

I created the Awaken your Magic Mastermind because along my own healing journey, I discovered that very few people are living the magical life they’re meant to live, one that’s in flow and aligned with the Universe and who we truly are at the soul level

And as I did this powerful work on myself, I kept getting complimented on my energy and asked... "What are you doing to be this way? What’s your secret? What did you read/eat/drink? What course did you take? Where did you learn it from?" And I realized that it was less about me just sharing a book, a lifestyle, a training or a teaching and more about HOW I INTUITIVELY APPLIED the downloads and learnings to my life that made all the difference. And how I was going to teach others to do the same. 

So I decided to create the Awaken Your Magic Mastermind program along with a supportive community where we could all learn, apply and expand together....because this work is way more fun and easy when you have a soul tribe to do it with!


Awaken your Magic begins with getting clear on what beliefs are holding you back, empowering you to take charge of your healing, reprogramming your subconscious thoughts and patterns to get unstuck and getting into energetic alignment to manifest everything that you want (including more money). 

Join me as we explore topics like...


Learn about subconscious beliefs, how they're formed and run our lives, and how to unearth and transmute your beliefs to begin manifesting opportunities that are in your highest and best.


Discover how  to awaken & unlock your Soul’s consciousness and magic to align with your divine light.


You'll learn how to manifest what's in alignment with your soul and highest and best, and stop  being the product of your subconscious. We will learn to manifest more abundance, love, money & more!


How to master your energy and keep your vibration high and in alignment with Source. We'll discuss chakras, boundaries, clearing and shielding methods, your auric field, energetic hygiene, angelic healings and attunements & more.


Learn how to embody the frequency of unconditional love, how to fully love yourself, & ultimately how to become your own Beloved. We attract what we are - be your own Queen or King!


Take me to the checkout options

You and I crossing paths is magical and synchronistic!

This 90-day journey provides you with custom & tailored, group coaching & healing, personalized content, and constant accountability and support so you can step into your most magical, happiest, shiniest, and most aligned and blissful YOU!

This is for you if...

✨ You feel a soul calling to get into alignment so you can manifest all that’s in your highest and best

✨ You're ready to get out of victim mode and step into your power

✨ You’re absolutely excited and dead serious about healing, ending broken patterns and transforming your life – it means not running around all day long, beating yourself up anymore saying: “I’m not good enough or worthy”.

✨ You want to take charge of your healing and learn powerful tools that actually work to clear and heal what is no longer serving you

✨ You're ready to be held accountable and take the right actions to co-create your dream life with the divine

✨ You're ready to ditch the fear, doubt, shame, pain, trauma, excuses, negative self-talk and beliefs that are holding you back for good!

✨ You're ready for a holistic radical self-love transformation and rebirth.

✨ You’re ready to let go of the overwhelm of trying different things that just aren’t giving you the results you want.

✨ You've had enough and know that now is the time to awaken your magic and start seeing the beauty and joy in everything!

Whether you’ve done healing work before or are just starting on your spiritual path, this program is specifically designed for highly sensitive people and spiritual seekers who want to experience a massive, sustainable shift in their life, master powerful self-healing tools and move into alignment with their soul.


Are you ready to say goodbye to the self-sabotage so you can confidently step into your power and manifest the life you desire?

Let me help you AWAKEN YOUR MAGIC!

I am sooooo in!

Your Investment Options for

Awaken your Magic

Your Investment Options for

Awaken your Magic



Best value!

  • 13-week access to the live experience
  • Bi-monthly Group Healing Activation with Carine
  • Bi-monthly Group Transformational Coaching with your Mindset Coach
  • Weekly Somatic Embodiment Movement Journeys
  • 20+ hours of transmissions & practices
  • Private FB Community & Accountability buddy
  • Ongoing personal support from Carine & Team
  • And so much more!



  • 13-week access to the live experience
  • Bi-monthly Group Healing Activation with Carine
  • Bi-monthly Group Transformational Coaching with your Mindset Coach
  • Weekly Somatic Embodiment Movement Journeys
  • 20+ hours of transmissions & practices
  • Private FB Community & Accountability buddy
  • Ongoing personal support from Carine & Team
  • And so much more!



  • 13-week access to the live experience
  • Bi-monthly Group Healing Activation with Carine
  • Bi-monthly Group Transformational Coaching with your Mindset Coach
  • Weekly Somatic Embodiment Movement Journeys
  • 20+ hours of transmissions & practices
  • Private FB Community & Accountability buddy
  • Ongoing personal support from Carine & Team
  • And so much more!


1) First 5 sign ups who pay in full get a 1-on-1 healing session with Carine ($444 value)

2) 3 Months Membership in an Online Community of Powerful Empaths & Lightworkers from all over the World ($132 value)

3) Surprise Facebook Lives, guest teachers, intuitive readings, & bonus tools to support you even more! (Priceless!)

Frequently Asked Questions


Awaken your Magic starts on June 19, so don't wait.

Sign up today and start co-create the life you desire!









YES! I am in!!